Pineapple Vinegar 650ML


Cuka Nanas – Pineapple Vinegar 650 ml

It’s sour and tangy like most vinegars but with a hint of pineapple flavour.

This product is processed naturally. Sediments at the bottom of bottle are water-soluble fibres. Shake well before use. Appearance of each product might be different as there is no added artificial colouring or preservative.

Keep in a cool, dry place.

Ingredients: pineapple water vinegar.


Cuka Nanas – Pineapple Vinegar 650 ml

It’s sour and tangy like most vinegars but with a hint of pineapple flavour.

This product is processed naturally. Sediments at the bottom of bottle are water-soluble fibres. Shake well before use. Appearance of each product might be different as there is no added artificial colouring or preservative.

Pineapple Vinegar terbuat dari nanas pilihan dengan sistem fermentasi alamiah, tanpa menggunakan zat kimia, tanpa ragi, tanpa pewarna, dan tanpa pemanis buatan

Unpasteurized with the mother artinya masih mengandung mother alias inangnya dan ada bakteri probiotik atau enzim baik buat tubuh.

Pineapple Vinegar ini bisa kamu campur dengan smoothie, juice, tea, soup, acar atau apapun yang anda suka.